About Me

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NJ, United States
Hi everyone its me Anna from New Jersey. I love to scrapbook, stamp, and make cards. I love watching all the vids on youtube about anything scrapping and learning all types of techniques.

Nov 2, 2010

Im back!

Hi everyone, wow Ive been MIA for a long while now. You know how it is life just happens and you forget about the things you love. Im not a big blogger but thought why not make a blog spot. Good news is that Im feeling so much better these days and I feel like I am almost to my old self. I have made a few albums like a wedding and a halloween one which turned out really nice. I hope to start making youtube videos again. youtube.com/kissindawind Anyhow, I'll be in touch...


1 comment:

Atzeni Marisa said...

ciao Anna io sono Marisa scrivo dall Italia e seguo anche io youtube e ti ho trovato , ho iniziato lo scrapbooking da qualche mese ma mi sono innamorata e mi piace tantissimo . Quà in Italia non è molto diffuso come hobby e faccio fatica a trovare il materiale .Mi piacerebbe avere una tua opinione , se vai nel mio blog vedi cosa sto imparando a fare guardando youtube anche se non capisco l inglese ti saluto caramente Marisa...